Tenaha ISD School Board of Trustees
The Tenaha ISD Board of Trustees is comprised of seven board members and the superintendent. Board trustees are elected by the general public to serve for overlapping terms of three years each. The TISD Board members are not compensated for their service on the board. Elections for board seats are conducted annually each May. Once elections are finalized the Board elects a president, vice president and secretary for one-year terms.
Generally, regular meetings of the board of trustees are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm at the Tenaha ISD Administration Building located at 185 College Street, Tenaha, TX 75974. Agenda Notices are posted on the window at the administration building for review.
Questions/Comments can be directed to board of trustees members at their email address located below. Please include your name and contact information in your email - The board will not respond to anonymous emails.

L to R (back row) Chip Roberson, Tracy Collins, Robert Barton, Eugene Bowden, Aaron Roland L to R (front row): Cicily Blair, Jerrod Campbell, Vickie Jernigan
2024 - 2025 School Board
Tenaha ISD’s Board of Trustee serve a term of 3 years in office.
Board Members include:
Jerrod Campbell, Superintendent
Aaron Roland, Term Expires 2025, President
Robert Barton, Vice President, Term Expires 2027
Vickie Jernigan, Term Expires 2026, Secretary
Eugene Bowden, Term Expires 2025
Tracy Collins, Term Expires 2026
Chip Roberson, Term Expires 2027
Cicily Cross-Blair, Term Expires 2027
TASB Online Board Policy - http://pol.tasb.org/Home/Index/1071
All notices, agendas and minutes are now available at Board Book